Full Name
Last Name
Tell us about your business (or business idea if you're just starting)
Where are you located?
What is your current income?
Less than $1k per month
$1k-$2k per month
$2k-$5k per month
$5k+ per month
What are your income goals?
$1k per month
$2k-$5k per month
$5k-$10k per month
$11k+ (Already doing well, ready to scale)
What is your biggest roadblock that's stopping you from achieving your goals?
I'm just getting started and don't know what i'm doing...
I can't seem to get leads
Can't get sales
Trouble with consistency
Let's Explore those roadblocks more... Give us details
Have you hired someone to get help with this problem before?
Why did it not work?
If we had 1 on 1 Support to help you get to your income goals ASAP, would you be willing to invest in that level of support?
What is the level of resources you have available to invest?